Key Projects
Acting for Industry
I have acted for a large industrial client to successfully obtain:
Publicly notified consents for a $150M+ new wastewater treatment plant in the Waikato (2021)
Resource consents for discharges to air and water from various industrial plants in Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Waikato and Christchurch
I have provided on-going advice across all areas of environmental law for a range of loyal corporate clients since 2005.
In 2023 I acted for a wind farm developer to obtain consent for a 8 turbine (180.5m) project in the Waikato.
I have significant experience in rural industries including forestry and pulp and paper
Acting for the airlines (BARNZ)
Examples of work undertaken for BARNZ include:
Wellington Airport Proposed Runway Extension Environment Court proceedings
Working with the Auckland Airport consenting team on the designation for the second runway (consented 2019)
Appeals on the Queenstown District Plan
Work on various Notices of Requirement by third parties
Submissions and hearings on Wellington City District Plan
Submissions and hearings on the Auckland Unitary Plan and related appeals:-
Self Family Trust v Auckland Council [2018] NZEnvC 49
NZ Building and Projects Ltd v Auckland Council [2017] NZEnvC 175
Acting for Community Groups / Individuals
Recent projects include:
Acting for Mission Bay Residents - Environment and High Court proceedings successfully opposing development of a 8 storey complex on Mission Bay waterfront that signicantly exceeded the Unitary Plan height standards.
- Drive Holdings v Auckland Council [2021] NZEnvC 159; [2022] NZHC 3620
Kawau Island Action Society Inc - judicial review proceedings in the High Court succesfully challenging Rod Duke's consent application for a helipad on a boat shed roof at Sentinel Beach.
- Kawau Island Action Inc Society v Auckland Council [2018] NZHC 3306
Representing residents affected by Watercare's Proposed Water Treatment Plant at Huia at Council hearings and Environment Court proceedings.
Advising on resource consent applications in residential zones including retirement village and apartment developments
Regional and District Plan Processes
Over 20 years of experience in submitting on district and regional planning documents throughout New Zealand including Environment Court proceedings representing clients such as Carter Holt Harvey Limited, Hancock Forest Management NZ, Oji Fibre Solutions NZ Limited:
- Federated Farmers of NZ Inc v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [2019] NZEnvC 136
- Carter Holt Harvey Ltd v Waikato Regional Council [2011] NZEnvC 380.
- Carter Holt Harvey Ltd v Waikato Regional Council [2011] NZEnvC 163
- Swap Stockfoods Ltd v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [2024] NZEnvC 11
I was actively involved in the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan - acting for a number of parties through the submissions and appeals stages of the plan.
I have acted for forestry interests in declaration proceedings concerning the National Environmental Standard for Commercial Forestry:
- EDS v Minister for the Environment and Minister of Forestry [2024] NZEnvC 24